Pond Liners

Pond Liners

Pond Liners

We have a strong track record of success producing pond liners for commercial use. Pond liners can be used for farming, collecting rainwater, raising fish, and other uses. In areas with a lack of water, pond liners can be utilized to create artificial ponds. Water can be held in artificial ponds by arranging pond liners in the bottom; these ponds can then be utilized for
agriculture, irrigation, and rainwater collection.


  • Pond design should take the land's geographical characteristics into account.

  • Dug a trench to the desired depth.

  • Create a bund of 34 feet.

  • One layer of 550 GSM N/10 SRF PVC sheet.

  • Agro net should be layered one layer over nylon liner.

  • Cement bricks should be spaced 4 feet apart on the bottom side.

  • If required, add 4 inches of muck at the bottom.

  • Lay out sheets on the pond's upper side.

  • Repair the overflow pipe.

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