Biogas Holders

Biogas Holders

Biogas Holders

Biogas holders are typically designed as flexible, airtight structures made of materials such as reinforced polyethylene or PVC. The flexibility allows the holder to expand and contract as the volume of biogas fluctuates. The holder is usually placed on top of the anaerobic digester or biogas production system, where it captures and stores the produced biogas.


  • Storage: It stores the biogas produced from anaerobic digestion, preventing its release into the atmosphere.

  • Regulation: It helps maintain a constant pressure within the system, ensuring safe operation and preventing damage to the equipment.

  • Controlled release: It allows for the controlled utilization of biogas, directing it for various applications such as energy generation or cooking.

  • Flexibility: The holder is designed to expand and contract as the volume of biogas fluctuates.

  • Airtightness: The holder is constructed from materials that provide an airtight seal, preventing gas leakage.

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